
Why Nannies Quit in the UAE & How to Build a Stronger Bond

Why Nannies Quit in the UAE & How to Build a Stronger Bond

You know the story all too well. You’ve been through the long and tiring process of finding the perfect nanny. After all the interviews and training, she fits seamlessly into your family. But then, seemingly out of the blue, she decides to leave. Sound familiar? It leaves you wondering—what went wrong? Despite how crucial nannies and maids are to keeping homes in the UAE running smoothly, from Dubai’s busy households to Abu Dhabi’s sprawling villas, families often face high turnover rates. The truth is, there are several reasons why your nanny might quit, and understanding them is key to building a strong, lasting relationship with the person you entrust your home and children to.

Nanny in Dubai

A strong bond between families and their nannies is key to a happy household.

A Personal Story: Maria’s Unexpected Departure

While this story is fictional, it reflects a very real and common situation many families in Dubai face. After weeks of interviewing and vetting candidates, she finally found Maria, a wonderful nanny from the Philippines. Maria quickly settled in, building a close bond with Aisha’s two young children and running the household smoothly. Aisha felt confident that she had found the perfect fit—someone she could trust with her home and her children.

But, just six months later, Maria handed in her notice. Aisha was blindsided and hurt. How could someone who seemed so happy and settled in their home decide to leave? What had gone wrong?

After an emotional conversation, Aisha realized that while she had good intentions, there were several small but significant things that had made Maria feel undervalued and overwhelmed. Although this story is made up, it represents a situation that many families in the UAE face.

Let’s explore some of the common reasons nannies decide to leave and what you can do to avoid a similar situation.

1. Lost in Translation? The Challenge of Language Barriers

Communication can often be one of the most challenging aspects of the employer-nanny relationship, particularly in a multicultural environment like the UAE, where English might not be the first language for either the employer or the nanny. In Aisha’s case, while both she and Maria spoke English, neither of them was fluent, leading to frequent misunderstandings. Simple instructions about the children’s routines or household tasks were sometimes lost in translation, leaving Maria confused and Aisha frustrated.

Solution: It’s essential to recognize the potential language barriers from the start. Take the time to communicate clearly and simply, using straightforward language and avoiding idioms or phrases that might cause confusion. Don’t hesitate to ask if your nanny has understood an instruction, and encourage her to do the same if she’s unclear. Regular check-ins where both parties can sit down and discuss concerns or clarify instructions are invaluable. Consider providing written instructions or using translation apps to ensure nothing gets lost in communication. Establishing a mutual understanding goes a long way toward creating a harmonious work environment.

2. Respecting Traditions: How Cultural and Religious Practices Matter

In the UAE, where families and nannies come from vastly different cultural and religious backgrounds, it’s crucial to be sensitive to these differences. For example, a Muslim nanny may need time for daily prayers, or a Christian housemaid might require a day off to attend church. Overlooking these needs can lead to tension and dissatisfaction. Similarly, if your household regularly consumes pork or alcohol, and you hire a practicing Muslim nanny, this could create a conflict of values and discomfort for her.

Solution: Open the conversation about cultural and religious observances right from the start. Ask your nanny about any religious practices she follows—whether it’s her prayer schedule, dietary restrictions, or a special day off for religious services. By understanding and respecting these needs, you can create an environment where she feels valued and supported. Additionally, if your family consumes pork or alcohol, it’s best to ask up front if the nanny is comfortable handling these items. If not, it may be better to hire someone who is aligned with your household’s practices to avoid unnecessary friction. Ultimately, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect will go a long way in building a lasting, positive working relationship.

3. Overworking Your Nanny? Let’s Talk About Fair Hours and Pay

We all know that working long hours is almost a given in the UAE. Many of us have felt the strain of demanding schedules, with bosses who expect us to go the extra mile. But while we might face this at work, it’s crucial that we don’t pass that pressure onto our nannies or maids. Living-in means that work and personal time can blur, and before you know it, your nanny might be working overtime, handling extra chores, or staying up late without even realizing how much she’s doing. This can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and ultimately, frustration. Nannies who feel overworked and undervalued are more likely to quit, seeking better opportunities elsewhere.

Solution: Ensure your nanny’s workload is reasonable and clearly defined from the start. Establish set working hours and stick to them. If additional tasks or overtime are needed on occasion, make sure to compensate her fairly—either with extra pay or time off. Just as we appreciate a work-life balance and fair treatment at our own jobs, so do our nannies. When they feel respected and valued, they are more likely to stay long-term, providing better care and a positive environment for your family. Keeping compensation fair and being mindful of her working hours ensures she feels like a valued professional, not someone taken for granted.

4. Need Space? So Does Your Nanny! Privacy and Personal Time

For live-in nannies, the boundaries between work and personal time can easily blur. Without a dedicated space to unwind, a nanny might feel like she’s constantly on call, leading to exhaustion and burnout. Imagine sharing a room with the children or always being within earshot of the family—there’s little opportunity to rest or recharge. This lack of privacy can take a toll on a nanny’s well-being and, ultimately, her ability to perform her duties effectively.

Solution: It’s essential to provide your nanny with her own private living area, a space where she can relax during her off-duty hours. This can be as simple as a separate room with basic amenities where she can feel at home. Respect her downtime and ensure she has the space she needs to recharge. A well-rested nanny is not only happier but also more capable of providing the best care for your children.

For more tips on creating a comfortable and welcoming space for your live-in nanny, check out our guide on Creating the Perfect Room for Your Live-in Nanny in Dubai. A thoughtful room design not only shows respect but helps maintain a long-lasting relationship with your nanny.

Live in Nanny room

5. Late Payments? Why Timely Salary Matters More Than You Think

We all know how high the cost of living can be in the UAE, from rising rents to daily expenses. But while managing these costs can be stressful, it’s essential that we don’t let it affect how we compensate our household staff. Just as we expect to be paid on time at work to meet our financial commitments, nannies and maids rely on timely payments to support their families back home. Delaying payments or being inconsistent can create anxiety, frustration, and lead to a breakdown in trust.

Many nannies and maids in the UAE are not only working to support themselves, but their families back home rely heavily on the money they send. Often, they are the primary breadwinners, supporting children, siblings, or even elderly parents. A delay in their salary can have serious consequences for their loved ones—whether it’s missing school fees for their children or leaving their family without enough to cover basic necessities.

We may not always think about the ripple effect that late payments can have, but for your nanny, it can mean missed meals, unpaid bills, or medical needs going unmet for her family. Delaying payments or being inconsistent can quickly lead to stress and resentment, which will inevitably impact her job performance and trust in you as an employer.

Solution: It’s crucial to set up a regular payment schedule and stick to it, ensuring that your nanny receives her salary on time, every time. Consider setting up automatic transfers to avoid any chance of delay. When payments are reliable, it not only builds trust but also shows that you understand and respect the importance of her role, both in your home and for her family back home. A well-paid and financially secure nanny is far more likely to remain loyal and committed, giving your family the best care possible.

6. Expecting Too Much? Be Realistic About Her Workload

Are you asking your nanny to care for two or three kids, clean the entire house, cook dinner for the family, and maybe even run errands on the side? It’s easy to fall into the trap of expecting your nanny to handle more than any one person reasonably can. While nannies are incredibly capable, they aren’t superheroes. Piling on too many responsibilities can leave them feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, especially if they’re trying to juggle multiple tasks at once. This can lead to frustration on both sides—your nanny is stretched too thin, and you may find that tasks aren’t being completed to your satisfaction.

In the UAE, where households often have large homes and busy schedules, it’s crucial to set realistic expectations about what one person can manage. You wouldn’t expect a colleague to handle three people’s workloads in the office, so it’s important not to do the same with your nanny at home.

Solution: Be clear about priorities and avoid overwhelming your nanny with too many tasks. If you need more hands on deck, consider hiring additional help for cleaning or cooking so that your nanny can focus on childcare. Set realistic goals and communicate openly about what you expect in terms of duties. If mistakes happen, offer constructive feedback, not criticism, and remember to celebrate successes. A nanny who feels appreciated and not overburdened will perform better and be more likely to stay with your family long-term.

7. Feeling Appreciated? Your Nanny Needs It Too

We all want to feel appreciated for the work we do, and your nanny is no different. Imagine going the extra mile every day, caring for children, keeping the house tidy, and handling countless responsibilities, only to receive little to no acknowledgment. It’s disheartening, and over time, feeling unappreciated can significantly affect job satisfaction. In the UAE, where long hours and demanding roles are common, it’s easy for families to overlook simple gestures of appreciation, but for a nanny, these gestures mean the world.

A small word of thanks or acknowledgment for a job well done can go a long way. Sometimes, we get so caught up in our own busy schedules that we forget to show our appreciation for the person who is helping make our lives easier. Whether it’s a tough week where your nanny has had to juggle more tasks than usual or she’s been great at keeping the kids entertained while you work from home, showing appreciation is key to maintaining a positive and long-lasting working relationship.

Solution: Show your nanny that you value her through both small and meaningful gestures. You could treat her to a special meal from Deliveroo when she stays late to babysit or give her an extra day off around her birthday. If she’s had a particularly busy week, consider treating her to a relaxing spa day, which can be a welcome surprise. Verbal appreciation matters too—let her know when she’s done a great job with the kids or handled a challenging situation with grace. A handwritten thank you note or a small bonus can also brighten her day and make her feel recognized for her efforts.

8. Is the Grass Greener? Hearing About Better Opportunities

In the UAE, the market for household help is highly competitive, and while it’s unlikely that another family will actively poach your nanny, she might hear from her friends about better pay or benefits elsewhere. Nannies often talk to one another, and if a friend is earning more for similar work, your nanny may start to question whether she’s being fairly compensated. After all, many nannies are here to support their families back home, and financial stability is a top priority.

Even if your nanny loves working for your family, hearing about higher salaries or better benefits can make her feel undervalued or prompt her to seek other opportunities. It’s essential to stay aware of these dynamics, as offering competitive compensation is key to retaining top talent in your household.

Solution: Stay informed about the current market rates for nannies in the UAE. It’s a good idea to talk to friends and ask how much they’re paying their nannies for a fair comparison. You can also check out our Complete Guide to Nanny Salaries to get an idea of what the going rates are and what benefits are commonly included. Make sure your compensation package is competitive, considering not only salary but also things like health insurance, paid time off, or occasional bonuses.

If your nanny feels that her salary and benefits are fair compared to others, she’ll be less tempted to explore other opportunities. An occasional raise, especially if she’s been with you for a while, shows that you’re invested in her well-being and career. Regularly reviewing her compensation ensures she feels valued and remains motivated to stay with your family long-term.

Preventative Measures to Keep Your Nanny Happy

Legal Compliance: Ensure all contracts and working conditions comply with UAE labor laws. Refer to the UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation for guidelines.

Regular Feedback Sessions: Implement monthly meetings to discuss any issues, concerns, or suggestions. This fosters open communication and trust.

Building a Relationship Beyond Employment

Remember, your nanny is more than an employee; she’s a person who plays a significant role in your family’s life. Treating her with kindness and respect not only benefits her but enriches your family’s experience. When Aisha realized this, she made amends with Maria, who decided to stay. They now share a strong bond, and Maria feels like a valued member of the family.


Retaining a reliable nanny in Dubai is crucial for the smooth running of many households. By understanding the common reasons nannies quit and proactively addressing them, you can create a positive, supportive environment that encourages a lasting and healthy relationship. It’s all about showing respect, providing fair compensation, and making sure your nanny feels valued as an integral part of your family.

If you’re interested in further insights on fostering a strong bond with your nanny, check out our blog post on Building a Strong Bond with Your Nanny

By being proactive and attentive to these factors, you’ll not only retain a happy and reliable nanny but also build a nurturing environment for everyone in your household.

Looking for professional and reliable household help? Contact us today to find the perfect match for your family.

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